Hayeon Jeong, Daniel Saakes, Geehyuk Lee, Augusto Esteves, Eduardo Velloso, Andreas Bulling, Katsutoshi Masai, Yuta Sugiura, Masa Ogata, Kai Kunze, Masahiko Inami, Maki Sugimoto, Anura Rathnayake, Tilak Dias
1. I-Eng: A Toy for Second-Language Learning
I-Eng is an interactive toy set that aims to teach new languages to young children between the ages of three and five. The toy consists of a talking plush doll that interacts with tagged objects. The doll speaks sentences related to nearby objects and, depending on the context, can ask the child for other related objects. This allows children to practice both active and passive vocabulary. Through interaction with these tangible objects, an unscripted narrative unfolds. Children are thus naturally exposed to the foreign language and can have a playful "learning by doing" experience.
Jeong, H., Saakes, D.P., Lee, U. I-Eng: An interactive toy for second language learning. Adjunct Proc. of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. ACM, New York, 2015.
Hayeon Jeong, KAIST,
[email protected]
Daniel Saakes, KAIST
Uichin Lee, KAIST
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I-Eng consists of a talking plush doll that interacts with tangible object toys. |
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A boy plays with I-Eng. When he presents a tagged object to the talking doll, it reacts by speaking an appropriate sentence. |
2. Orbits: Gaze Interaction for Smart Watches
Orbits is a gaze interaction technique that enables hands-free input on smart watches, accounting for the limited display space of these devices. The technique uses moving controls to leverage "smooth pursuit" eye movements, thus detecting which control the user is looking at. Each target performs a distinct function and can be activated by following it with the eyes, allowing for both discrete and continuous control. Because our approach relies on the relative movement of the eyes, no calibration between the eye tracker and the display is necessary.
Esteves, A., Velloso, E., Bulling, A., and Gellersen, H.
Orbits: Gaze interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements.
Proc. of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. ACM, New York, 2015.
Augusto Esteves, Lancaster University,
[email protected]
Eduardo Velloso, Lancaster University
Andreas Bulling, Max Planck Institute for Informatics Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University
This eyewear system detects facial expressions. Using proximity sensing, photo-reflective sensors measure the distance between the eyewear frame and the surface of the user's face. This distance changes as the facial muscles move to create different expressions. Detecting and recording these changes helps users understand more about their unintentional non-verbal clues. For example, users suffering from depression or other mental disorders can measure whether their state is improving based on changes in their facial expressions.
In addition, AffectiveWear allows users to use facial expressions to change typography in text messages, or to add emoticons. The system can also display users' facial expressions on avatars to achieve more natural, subtle communication in virtual worlds.
Masai, K., Sugiura, Y., Ogata, M., Kunze, K., Inami, M., and Sugimoto, M. AffectiveWear: Smart eye glasses to recognize facial expressions. Ubicomp 2015 Demo.
Masai, K., Sugiura, Y., Ogata, M., Suzuki, K., Nakamura, F., Shimamura, S., Kunze, K., Inami, M., and Sugimoto, M.
AffectiveWear: Toward recognizing facial expression. ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters. ACM, New York, 2015.
Katsutoshi Masai, Keio University
[email protected]
Yuta Sugiura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Masa Ogata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Kai Kunze, Keio University
Masahiko Inami, Keio Media Design
Maki Sugimoto, Keio University
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AffectiveWear glasses can detect a user's facial expressions. |
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AffectiveWear glasses. |
4. Yarns with Embedded Electronics
The goal of this research was to develop the core technology for embedding semiconductor micro devices within the fibers of yarns in order to craft novel electronically active yarn (EAY). Such smart yarns will be the building blocks of the next generation of wearable electronics. They will help solve the current problems that manufacturers of wearable textiles are experiencing and open the door for designers to develop the next generation of truly wearable computers that are more comfortable, flexible, and washable. Applications include medicine, sports science, automobiles, the military, fashion design, retail, and manufacturing.
Rathnayake, A. and Dias, T. Electronically active smart textiles. Research and the Researcher, Research Practice Course Fifth Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 2013.
Dias, T. and Rathnayake, A. Integration of micro-electronics with yarns for smart textiles (Chapter 5). In T. Dias., Electronic Textiles Smart Fabrics and Wearable Technology. Woodhead, Nottingham, 2015.
Anura Rathnayake, Nottingham Trent University,
[email protected]
Tilak Dias, Nottingham Trent University
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RFID yarn alone and integrated into garments. |
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LED yarns with applied voltage. |
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